Saturday, April 15, 2006

As I See It

A lot was imbibed by the little foe of mine during the time that I spent at a prestigious school for primary education. Religious sentiments were honored to the unimaginable limits. The days started with the chant of the truth..
"maatha pithaa guru deivam.."
It is said that the Almighty himself quoted the above statement thus giving him the least priority in the order of worship.
Reflecting on the above truth last nite, I felt that there was a hidden meaning attached to the same.
Well , lets look at it from my foe's perspective.

It is considered that Maata (Mother) should be the first one to be worshipped followed by Pitaa (father) , Guru (teacher) and Himself. This is since , it is the mother who brought us to the world. So first prayers to the divine being. Then comes the no less important role played by the father who shows us the way to life. The teacher follows next prior to Himself because, he was the one who would have shown us the path of Knowledge which is an alias of God.
Lets us assume that in an idealistic situation, every birth on this earth worships its Mother. When I say birth, I mean to include all the possible cases..Humans,animals,plants,insects,microorganisms etc.
Since no birth is possible without a Mother, then as an universal principle , all the mothers existing on this earth would be worshipped. When we worship somebody, as an automatic implication, Godliness is attached to that entity.
So deducing from the above case, Mothers and Fathers are attached with a Godly status.
Now follows the case of a teacher.
It is impossible for any human, to abstain from the process of learning. He either learns the good or the evil,but the fact remains that heis constantly in the process of learning. His metamorphosis is based on what he learns for the most of the time. If he learns the good knowledge , he becomes respectable in the soceity lest he is termed as a liability to the society. So where does he learn the knowledge from? Well the sources are many.Nature is a good teacher.Since Im assuming idealistic situation, let us believe that everyone learns only the good things from the external factors..Nature and fellow members of the soceity.So the latter set of people act as teachers as well as students at the same time. If A learns something from B, then B is A's teacher. Since the process of Knowledge acquisition is constant , B also constantly updates himself . So B could be A's student in other issues or B could be a student of another entity C who inturn learns something valuable from A. So this vicious cycle continues.When this is taken to the highest level .. the earth, then almost all the humans, need to be worshipped since they act as teachers as well as students at varied instants of time.

Now applying the principle of generality, we observe that all the humans would be worshipped in one form or the other..As Mother,Father or teacher.
So we need to worship every soul that coexists with us.
And that happens to be one interpretation of the Advaita philosophy. God and men are one.
Now lets remove the idealistic situation and refine to practical terms. So the simplification would be ..
Worship only the good in others thereby treating everyone as God... Anbey Sivam..!!! (Love is God)

Oops ..!! what was I talking.


Schrodingers cat said...

This is the way I see it. To achieve enlightenment, one has to go through various stages. The first step is to love. Love for the mother is the first thing anyone will feel. Gradually as we grow up, we feel secure with our dad by our side. Imagine a kid of about 6 years taking a walk with his dad. The dad will be filled with worries and thoughts, but the kid is free. He feels everyone is there to serve him and the dad makes him feel more secure. So love for the dad becomes the second step in our growing up process. As Gurdjieff has put is simply - 'A good man loves his father and mother' . The next more important person we meet while growing up is the Guru. You have considered the word teacher as a rough translation, but the more appropriate word is 'Master'. The difference is, the teacher is used to teach something blindly. More or less like a book filled with words which are inert. The master is someone who is close to you. You surrender to the master and he surrenders all his knowledge to help you in your quest for the ultimate truth. My point here is that everyone cannot become a Master. A teacher maybe, yes, but not a Master. Once you love your master as well, you(ego) slowly dies and you are reborn again. Now in the next stage, you use whatever you have learnt from the master to look inside yourself. When you do that with love for yourself and everyone, you might get closer to enlightenment. Note that I didnt say you will be enlightened. You will only get close. And probably when you let go like Buddha did after 6 years, you may become the wise one. So the moral is very simple. Love everything and nothing. It starts of with the Mother and spreads out , similar to the Fish eyed protocol and finally you let go to see god.


Vish said...

profound thought !!